Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc.’s Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) provides rehabilitation activities directed toward each client’s individualized recovery and the improvement or restoration of skills. Our on-site day program is open Monday-Wednesday from 8:00am to 1:30pm and off-site services are available Monday-Friday. A nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack are served during each on-site PRP day. Services are designed to assist our clients with maintaining their maximum level of community functioning. We strive to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, decrease inpatient hospitalizations, and increase each client’s overall quality of life.

We also offer local transportation for our clients Monday-Friday. Transportation to out-of-town appointments (i.e. Cumberland, Morgantown) is available, upon Case Manager discretion.


Referrals for PRP services must be completed by a licensed professional. To be eligible for PRP services, clients must have a Priority Population Diagnosis, as mandated by the State of Maryland. Eligible clients must be a Garrett County resident and are required to maintain active involvement with outpatient mental health treatment services via a therapist and/or psychiatrist. All client records and information, both verbal and written, are confidential.

Rehabilitation and Recovery Activities

  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will promote client wellness and self-management via education related to mental illness and recovery.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will provide classes focused on topics to include, but not be limited to, self-care skills such as personal hygiene, grooming, proper nutrition, dietary planning, food preparation, and self-administration of medication.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will provide an avenue for the facilitation of social skills including, but not limited to, community integration activities, developing natural supports, and developing linkages with other organizations in the community.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will provide assistance with the development of independent living skills including skills necessary for housing stability, community awareness, mobility and transportation, money management, accessing available entitlements/resources and obtaining or maintaining employment.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. staff will encourage health promotion activities, such as proper nutrition and exercise.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will provide activities that support each client’s cultural interests.

Case Management

  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will provide individual case management and advocacy.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc.’s Rehabilitation Coordinators are SOAR trained to assist clients, who are homeless or at risk for homelessness, with applying for the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) disability benefits.

Medication Monitoring Services (optional for PRP clients)

  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will support the client’s self-administration of prescribed medication.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. nurses will assist clients via filling pill boxes based on individual need, ensuring that each container of medication is clearly labeled with the client’s name, the contents, directions for use, and expiration date. Client compliance with instructions appearing on the medication label will be monitored to the fullest extent possible.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will observe and document any apparent reactions to medications, either verbally or in writing, and will communicate needs/concerns to the prescribing authority in a timely fashion.
  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. will offer education to clients related to the role and effort of medications in symptoms management.

On-Call and Emergency Response

  • Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. assures that on-call and crisis intervention services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week via telephone for clients who have been admitted to the PRP. All relevant staff shall assist the client with accessing, as appropriate, outpatient mental health services, residential crisis services, hospitals, and other service providers that are designated to provide crisis and emergency care.

Linkage with a Client in a Psychiatric Inpatient Facility or Detention Center

  • If a Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. PRP client is admitted to an inpatient psychiatric facility or detention center, the client’s assigned Rehabilitation Coordinator will make reasonable efforts to maintain ongoing communication with the client and the client’s inpatient treatment team, to the degree permitted.