The Treasure Chest is a gift shop staffed and operated exclusively by Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. volunteers. It is located and opened exclusively for the clients receiving behavioral health services from Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. The Treasure Chest offers an opportunity to make purchases in a pleasant, supportive environment. The cost of each item is minimal because the mission of the Treasure Chest is to teach shopping and socialization skills as well as help individuals on fixed incomes to be able to purchase merchandise that may otherwise not be affordable. This shop provides the access to learn and use social skills, budgeting and purchase skills.

All proceeds from the Treasure Chest sales return to the shop for ongoing purchases of needed inventory or for the special projects or activities that benefit the clients of Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc.

You can help by considering being a volunteer in the shop or offering donations. Donations of goods such as personal items, household goods, gift items or financial support help keep the cost of purchases at a minimum. If you have any questions or would like more information about volunteering or giving financial support to the Treasure Chest, please contact the Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc.